Thursday, June 3, 2010


With the blessing of 那督尊王 and all the Datok Datok of our temple. We have successfully organising the Datok Sari Mohammad Isa and all other Datoks birthday festival. Thanks to all the committee members and devotees who came to help and thank you so much also for those who donate some fund to make this occasion a success one. Here are the photo's and "kin Cheong" moment during the festival. Most "kin Cheong" moment is many of the devotees saw "Guan Yin and Chi Lin" in the sky during "Sang Ti Kong". Good luck to all and enjoy the photos. Datuk Datuk, Anak cucu minta ampun jika ada apa apa kesilapan and salah bicara.... Harap Datuk memberkati doa anak anak cucu semua and beri sedikit rezeki pada anak anak cucu semua. Sekian Terima Kasih. Bismilla. .....

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